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* these funds have been donated from both DogDog and its parent company Goodsearch.
1 billion
15 million
dollars earned
Equivalent to:

168 2024年最新官方网站-查询澳洲幸运8开奖结果

7.3 million dogs and cats enter shelters every year. No-kill shelters are perpetually full, with weeks- or months-long waiting lists.

789,764 bags of kibble donated

Most shelters depend on donations to pay for food, medicine, help finding forever homes and everything else it takes to provide for the animals in their care.

70,000 Vet Check-ups

Funds earned via DogDog have helped shelters provide dogs with all they need to live happy lives. Many animals have been able to survive thanks to people using DogDog as their search engine!

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